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Home : Songs : Sioux Ghost Dance Song Lyrics

Sioux Ghost Dance Song Lyrics

These song lyrics were originally documented and translated by James Mooney in 1894. If you notice an error or have a suggestion how to make these better, please contact us.

1. A’te he’ye e’yayo (Opening Song)

A’te he’ye e’yayo!
A’te he’ye e’yayo!
A’te he’ye lo,
A’te he’ye lo.
Nitu’ñshi’la wa’ñyegala’ke—kta’ e’yayo’!
Nitu’ñshi’la wa’ñyegala’ke—kta’ e’yayo’!
A’te he’ye lo,
A’te he’ye lo.
Ni’takuye wañye’găla’ke—kta e’yayo’!
Ni’takuye wañye’găla’ke—kta e’yayo’!
A’te he’ye lo,
A’te he’ye lo.


The father says so—E’yayo!
The father says so—E’yayo!
The father says so,
The father says so.
You shall see your grandfather—E’yayo!
You shall see your grandfather—E’yayo!
The father says so,
The father says so.
You shall see your kindred—E’yayo!
You shall see your kindred—E’yayo!
The father says so,
The father says so.

2. Mi’chi’nkshi Nañpe

Michǐnkshi nañpe ma’yuzae,
Michǐnkshi nañpe ma’yuzae,
A’te he’ye lo,
A’te he’ye lo.
A’te he’ye lo,
A’te he’ye lo.
Chăno’ñpa wa’ñ chi’cha-u’pi
Chăno’ñpa wa’ñ chi’cha-u’pi
A’te he’ye lo’,
A’te he’ye lo’,
A’te he’ye lo’,
A’te he’ye lo’.


My son, let me grasp your hand,
My son , let me grasp your hand,
Says the father,
Says the father.
You shall live,
You shall live,
Says the father,
Says the father,
I bring you a pipe,
I bring you a pipe,
Says the father,
Says the father,
By means of it you shall live,
By means of it you shall live,
Says the father,
Says the father.

3. He Tuwe’cha He

He tuwe’cha he u echa’ni hwo!
He tuwe’cha he u echa’ni hwo!
Huñku oki’le chaya he u hwo!
Huñku oki’le chaya he u hwo!
A’te-ye he’ye lo,
A’te-ye he’ye lo.


Who think you comes there!
Who think you comes there!
Is it someone looking for his mother!
Is it someone looking for his mother!
Says the father,
Says the father.

4. Wana’yañ Ma’niye

Wana’yañ ma’niye,
Wana’yañ ma’niye.
Tata’ñka wañ ma’niye,
A’te he’ye lo,
A’te he’ye lo.


Now he is walking,
Now he is walking.
There is a buffalo bull walking,
There is a buffalo bull walking,
Says the father,
Says the father.

5. Lechel Miyo’qañ-kte

Lechel miyo’qañ-kte lo—Yo’yoyo’!
Lechel miyo’qañ-kte lo—Yo’yoyo’!
Taku maka’ a-icha’gha hena mita’wa-ye lo—Yo’yoyo’!
Taku maka’ a-icha’gha hena mita’wa-ye lo—Yo’yoyo’!
A’te he’ye lo—Yo’yoyo’!
A’te he’ye lo—Yo’yoyo’!
E’ya Yo’yoyo’!
E’ya Yo’yoyo’!


This is to be my work—Yo’yoyo’!
This is to be my work—Yo’yoyo’!
All that grows upon the earth is mine—Yo’yoyo’!
All that grows upon the earth is mine—Yo’yoyo’!
Says the father—Yo’yoyo’!
Says the father—Yo’yoyo’!
E’ya Yo’yoyo’!
E’ya Yo’yoyo’!

6. Michinkshi’yi Tewa’qila Che

Michinkshi’yi tewa’qila che—Ye’ye’!
Michinkshi’yi tewa’qila che—Ye’ye’!
Oya’te-ye i’nichagha’pi-kta che—Ye’ye’!
Oya’te-ye i’nichagha’pi-kta che—Ye’ye’!
A’teye he’ye lo,
A’teye he’ye lo.
Haye’ye’ E’yayo’yo’!
Haye’ye’ E’yayo’yo’!


I love my children—Ye’ye’!
I love my children—Ye’ye’!
You shall grow to be a nation—Ye’ye’!
You shall grow to be a nation—Ye’ye’!
Says the father, says the father.
Haye’ye’ E’yayo’yo’! Haye’ye’ E’yayo’yo’!

7. Mila kiñ Hiyu’michi’chiyana

Mila kiñ hiyu’michi’chiyana,
Mila kiñ hiyu’michi’chiyana.
Oñchi he’ye lo—Yo’yo’!
Oñchi hey’ye lo—Yo’yo’!
Puye chiñyi wa’sna wakaghiñyiñ-kte,
Puye chiñyi wa’sna wakaghiñyiñ-kte,
Oñchi heye lo—Yo’!
Oñchi heye lo—Yo’!


Give me my knife,
Give me my knife,
I shall hang up the meat to dry—Ye’ye’!
I shall hang up the meat to dry—Ye’ye’!
Says grandmother—Yo’yo’!
Says grandmother—Yo’yo’!
When it is dry I shall make a pemmican,
When it is dry I shall make a pemmican,
Says grandmother—Yo’yo’!
Says grandmother—Yo’yo’!

8. Le He’yahe’

Le he’yahe’—Ye’ye!
Le he’yahe’—Ye’ye!
Kañghi-ye oya’te-ye cha-ya waoñ we lo
Kañghi-ye oya’te-ye cha-ya waoñ we lo.


This one says—Ye’ye’!
This one says—Ye’ye’!
I belong indeed to the nation of Crows,
I belong indeed to the nation of Crows.

9. Niya’te-ye’ He’uw’e

Niya’te-ye’ he’uw’e, niya’te-ye’ he’uw’e,
Wa’ñbăli gălĕ’shka wa’ñ-yañ nihi’youwe,
Wa’ñbăli gălĕ’shka wa’ñ-yañ nihi’youwe.


It is your father coming, it is your father coming,
A spotted eagle is coming for you,
A spotted eagle is coming for you.

10. Miyo’qañ kiñ Wañla’ki

Miyo’qañ kiñ wañla’ki—Ye’yeye’!
Miyo’qañ kiñ wañla’ki—Ye’yeye’!
Hena wa’ñlake,
Hena wa’ñlake,
Ha’eye’ya he’yeye’,
Ha’eye’ya he’yeye’.


You see what I can do—Ye’yeye’!
You see what I can do—Ye’yeye’!
You see them, you see them,
Ha’eye’ya he’yeye’! Ha’eye’ya he’yeye’!

11. Michǐ’nkshi Mita’waye

E’yaye’ye! E’yaye’ye’!
Michǐ’nkshi mita’waye,
Michǐ’nkshi mita’waye.


E’yaye’ye’! E’yaye’ye’!
It is my own child,
It is my own child.

12. A’te he’ u-we

A’te he’ u-we, A’te he’ u-we,
A’te eya’ya he’ u-we’ lo,
A’te eya’ya he’ u-we’ lo,
Ya’nipi-kta’ e’ya u’-we lo,
Ya’nipi-kta’ e’ya u’-we lo.


There is the father coming,
There is the father coming.
The father says this as he comes,
The father says this as he comes,
“You shall live,” he says as he comes,
“You shall live,” he says as he comes.

13. Wa’sna Wa’tiñ-kta’

Wa’sna wa’tiñ-kta’—E’yeye’yeye’!
Wa’sna wa’tiñ0kta’—E’yeye’yeye’!
Le’chiya’-ya eya’ip-l—E’yeye’yeye’!
Le’chiya’-ya eya’ip-l—E’yeye’yeye’!
E’ya he’-ye lo, E’ya he’-ye lo,
A’te-ye he’ye lo, A’te-ye he’ye lo.


I shall eat pemmican—E’yeye’yeye’!
I shall eat pemmican—E’yeye’yeye’!
They say so, they say so,
The father says so, the father says so.

14. A’te Lena Ma’qu-we

A’te lena ma’qu-we—Ye’ye’ye’!
A’te lena ma’qu-we—Ye’ye’ye’!
Peta wañ—yañyañ ma’qu-we—Ye’ye’ye’!
Peta wañ—yañyañ ma’qu-we—Ye’ye’ye’!
A’te ma’qu-we—Ye’ye’ye’!
A’te ma’qu-we—Ye’ye’ye’!


It was the father who gave us these things—Ye’ye’ye’!
It was the father who gave us these things—Ye’ye’ye’!
It was the father who gave us fire—Ye’ye’ye’!
It was the father who gave us fire—Ye’ye’ye’!
He gave it to us—Ye’ye’ye’!
He gave it to us—Ye’ye’ye’!

15. Ina’ He’kuwo’

Ina’ he’kuwo’; ina’ he’kuwo’.
Misu’nkala che’yaya oma’ni-ye,
Misu’nkala che’yaya oma’ni-ye.
I’na he’kuwo’; i’na he’kuwo’.


Mother, come home; mother, come home.
My little brother goes about always crying,
My little brother goes about always crying.
Mother, come home; mother, come home.

16. Wa’na Wanasa’pi-kta

Wa’na wanasa’pi-kta,
Wa’na wanasa’pi-kta.
Ŭñchi’ ita’zipa michu’-ye,
Ŭñchi’ ita’zipa michu’-ye,
A’te he’ye lo, a’te he’ye lo.


Now they are about to chase the buffalo,
Now they are about to chase the buffalo,
Grandmother, give me back my bow,
Grandmother, give me back my bow,
The father says so, the father says so.

17. He’! Kii’ñyañka A’gali’-ye

He’! kii’ñyañka a’gali’-ye,
He’! kii’ñyañka a’gali’-ye,
Wañ! le’chiya wanasa’pi-kta’ keya’pi lo,
Wañ! le’chiya wanasa’pi-kta’ keya’pi lo,
Wañhi’nkpe ka’gha-yo!
Wañhi’nkpe ka’gha-yo!
A’te he’ye lo, A’te he’ye lo.


He! They have come back racing!
He! They have come back racing!
Why, they say there is to be a buffalo hunt over here,
Why, they say there is to be a buffalo hunt over here,
Make arrows! Make arrows!
Says the father, says the father.

18. Mi’ye Wañma’yañka-yo

Mi’ye wañma’yañka-yo!
Mi’ye wañma’yañka-yo!
Ka’ñghi oya’te wañ chañku’ waka’ghe lo,
Ka’ñghi oya’te wañ chañku’ waka’ghe lo,
Yani’pi-kta’-cha, yani’pi-kta’-cha.
Kola he’ye lo, kola he’ye lo.


Look at me! Look at me!
I make a road for one of the Crow nation!
I make a road for one of the Crow nation!
You shall live indeed, you shall live indeed.
Our friend says so, our friend says so.

19. Maka’ Sito’maniyañ

Maka’ sito’maniyañ ukiye,
Oya’te uki’ye, oya’te uki’ye,
Wa’ñbali oya’te wañ hoshi’hi-ye lo,
Ate heye lo, ate heye lo,
Maka o’wañcha’ya uki’ye.
Pte kiñ ukiye, pte kiñ ukiye,
Kañghi oya’te wañ hoshi’hi-ye lo,
A’te he’ye lo, a’te he’ye lo.


The whole world is coming,
A nation is coming, a nation is coming,
The Eagle has brought the message to the tribe.
The father says so, the father says so.
Over the whole earth they are coming.
The buffalo are coming, the buffalo are coming,
The Crow has brought the message to the tribe,
The father says so, the father says so.

20. Le’na Wa’kañ

Le’na wa’kañ waka’gha-che,
A’te he’ye lo, a’te he’ye lo,
O’găle kiñhañ wakañ waka’gha-che
A’te he’ye lo, a’te he’ye lo,
Chănoñ’pa kiñ waka’gha-che,
A’te he’ye lo, a’te he’ye lo.


It is I who make these sacred things,
Says the father, says the father.
It is I who make the sacred shirt,
Says the father, says the father.
It is I who made the pipe,
Says the father, says the father.

21. Miyo’qañ Kiñ Chichu’-Che

Miyo’qañ kiñ chichu’-che,
A’te he’ye lo’, a’te he’ye lo’,
O’găle kiñ ni’niye’-kta,
A’te he’ye lo’, a’te he’ye lo’.


Verily, I have given you my strength,
Says the father, says the father.
The shirt will cause you to live,
Says the father, says the father.

22. Michǐ’nkshi Tahe’na

Michǐ’nkshi tahe’na ku’piye,
Michǐ’nkshi tahe’na ku’piye,
Mako’che wañ washte aya’găli’pi-kte,
A’te he’ye lo’, a’te he’ye lo’.


My child, come this way,
My child, come this way,
You will take home with you a good country,
Says the father, says the father.

23. Wana Wichĕ’shka

Wana wichĕ’shka a’ti-ye,
Wana wichĕ’shka a’ti-ye.
Wihu’ta oho’măni, wihu’ta oho’măni,
Oka’tañna, oka’tañna,
Koyañ wowa’hiñ-kte,
Koyañ wowa’hiñ-kte.


Now set up the tipi,
Now set up the tipi,
Around the bottom,
Around the bottom,
Drive in the pegs,
Drive in the pegs,
In the meantime I shall cook,
In the meantime I shall cook.

24. A’te Mi’chuye

A’te mi’chuye,
A’te mi’chuye,
Wañhi’nkpe mi’chuye,
Wañhi’nkpe mi’chuye.
A’hiye, a’hiye.
Wa’sna wa’tiñkte,
Wa’sna wa’tiñkte.
A’hiye, a’hiye.
Wa’sna wa’tiñkte,
Wa’sna wa’tiñkte.


Father, give them to me,
Father, give them to me,
Give me my arrows,
Give me my arrows,
They have come, they have come,
I shall eat pemmican,
I shall eat pemmican.

25. Hañpa Wecha’ghe

Hañpa wecha’ghe,
Hañpa wecha’ghe,
Tewa’qila-la he,
Tewa’qila-la he.
Wa’ñbleni’chala he kaye lo,
Wa’ñbleni’chala he kaye lo,
Toke’cha wa’ñwegalaki’ñ-kte,
Toke’cha wa’ñwegalaki’ñ-kte,
Nihu’ñ koñ he he’ye lo,
Nihu’ñ koñ he he’ye lo.


I made moccasins for him,
I made moccasins for him,
For I love him,
For I love him.
To take to the orphan,
To take to the orphan,
Soon I shall see my child,
Soon I shall see my child,
Says your mother,
Says your mother.

26. Waka’ñyañ Iñya’ñkiñ-kte

Waka’ñyañ iñya’nkiñ-kte,
Waka’ñyañ iñya’nkiñ-kte,
Chañgăle’shka wañ luza’hañ iñya’nkiñ-kte,
Chañgăle'shka wañ luza'hañ iñya'ñkiñ-kte,
Wañwa'yag upo, wañwa'yag upo,
A'te he'ye lo, a'te he'ye lo.


The holy (hoop) shall run, Come and see it,
The holy (hoop) shall run, Come and see it,
The swift hoop shall run, Says the father,
The swift hoop shall run, Says the father.